Ethiopia is a beautiful, diverse and exciting country - we'd love to share it with you.
What to do in Ethiopia
Southern Ethiopia
Bale Mountains

With 2,200km2, the Bale Mountains National Park encompasses diverse ecological regions including the largest Afroalpine habitat in Africa and the second largest forest in Ethiopia. It is the home of the endemic Mountain Nyala, Ethiopian Wolf, Menelik’s Bushbuck and Bale Monkey.

The province of Keffa in Southwest Ethiopia is believed to be the origin of coffee as well as the word coffee, caffeine and café. The highest genetic diversity of coffee recorded in Ethiopia is a more scientific indicator of Ethiopia as a possible birth place of this plant. Ethiopians drink coffee regularly in an elaborate ceremony which involves washing fresh coffee beans, roasting and pounding them. Coffee ceremony has become the symbol of Ethiopian hospitality.

The Droze people, who inhabit mountains northwest of the town of Arba Minch, are known for building bamboo huts. While agriculture is the mainstay of their economy, they are also famous for weaving clothes.

The Konso of Southwest Ethiopia have become world famous for their tradition of making terraces which they have been practicing for hundreds of years. Traditional Konso villages and their terraced lands have been recognized as UNESCO World Heritage since 2011.
Lake Chamo

Lake Chamo, the southern most of the seven Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes, is known for its large crocodile population, hippos and bird life.
Lake Hawassa

The smallest of the Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes, Lake Hawassa is rich in fish which attracts both humans and birds to its shore every day. A specialist birdwatching guide book on Ethiopia writes: “From a birding perspective, Lake Hawassa is the crown jewel of Ethiopia’s Rift Valley lakes…the fish market is one of Africa’s most remarkable avian spectacles…This place must be seen to be believed.”
Lake Ziway

For travelers driving between Addis Ababa and southern Ethiopia, Lake Ziway has become an established stop. It has amazing array of birdlife and its islands have long history which goes back to the 10th century as a sanctuary of the Ark of the Covenant.