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Harar - 3 days

The old City of Harar in eastern Ethiopia claims to be the world's fourth oldest Muslim city. Experience its colourful markets and distinct houses.

Building merged into tree in Harar, Ethiopia

Day 1

Fly to Dire Dawa and drive to Harar with stops on the way to see local life. Spend the balance of the day exploring Harar markets, traditional houses, museums and early in the evening attend the hyena-show.  Overnight hotel.

Day 2

Excuriton to Babile to see the fascinating rock-formation. Return to Harar and in the afternoon you will attend coffee ceremony in a private home. Overnight hotel.

Day 3

Drive to Dire Dawa with stop at Aweday Chat market. Fly to Addis.

Interior of a home in Harar, Ethiopia


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